Fish morning, evening to stay out of the heat and get on the best bite
Tag Archives: anna maria island fishing
Just Reel Fishing Charters Fishing Reports highlighting Anna Maria Fishing conditions and targeted species. Written by Capt. Danny Stasny.
Dodge the storms to pinpoint fish, there’s plenty to catch
For finicky fish carry an assortment of baits to ensure hookups Tarpon seem to be the main attraction in the water surrounding Anna Maria Island for yet another week. Many anglers are suffering from tarpon fever due to spending hours and even days on the water attempting to get a hook up. Schools of fish […]
For yet another week, tarpon are the main attraction for anglers who live in or are visiting West Central Florida. The surrounding waters of Anna Maria Island, being a prime destination for both the anglers and the tarpon, are getting much attention as of the past few weeks. Schooling tarpon are being spotted along the […]
The long-awaited migration of tarpon to the waters surrounding Anna Maria Island is beginning to occur, although the real push of fish has yet to arrive. Targetable schools are here, but are spread out quite thin. That’s not to say they weren’t being caught this past week, but just not as frequently as they could […]
As tarpon arrive, expect crowds on the water
Tarpon may not have arrived in full force, but other species will keep you occupied
As we approach May, tarpon time nears
April brings good inshore and offshore action to area waters
Fishing as good as it gets if you can get out on the water