Well, here we are. It’s 2017. Although it’s supposed to be wintertime, our weather is resembling springtime. And so is the fishing. With day after day of mild temperatures and calm seas the fishing with Just Reel fishing charters around Anna Maria Island is nothing better than excellent. Offshore and nearshore fishing are proving to […]
Tag Archives: anna maria island fishing
Just Reel Fishing Charters Fishing Reports highlighting Anna Maria Fishing conditions and targeted species. Written by Capt. Danny Stasny.
December fishing providing anglers with a variety of catches Fishing around Anna Maria Island with Just Reel fishing charters remains consistent for another week. With mild temperature and moderate seas, a variety of fishing can be done. Whether venturing offshore for grouper and snapper or just casually fishing the flats in the local bays local […]
Winter is coming — time to bait with shrimp for a hookup Using live shrimp while fishing with Just Reel fishing charters as bait is now becoming a reality due to falling water temperatures and recent cold fronts. There are still shiners to be caught on the flats, but, in most instances a substitute of […]
Despite a couple of recent cold fronts, fishing around Anna Maria Island is holding fast. With shiners still available to be caught and used for bait, many anglers are finding success both in the back country and out in the Gulf of Mexico. Fishing the flats with Just Reel fishing charters for snook and trout […]
Cold fronts don’t cool down red hot fishing around Anna Maria Fishing around Anna Maria Island with Just Reel fishing charters remains fairly consistent despite the recent cold front just prior to Thanksgiving. A couple of nights with air temps in the mid-50s has had an impact on fishing, although anglers with a little knowledge […]
Cooler weather sends fish on the move With the cooler November weather nipping at our heels, you may find a number of species on the move, especially in the backcountry. Snook are hastily making their way towards their wintertime haunts and in the process are voraciously on the feed so they can fatten […]
Fall fishing pattern shows up in November A little taste of fall weather is a welcome sight to the fishing community of Anna Maria Island and Bradenton. We’re finally settling into our fall pattern, which promises some great fishing for both inshore and nearshore anglers alike. Bait is found in abundance, which is a […]
October bite shows up during first week of November The first week of November is showing potential for some great fishing with Just Reel fishing charters in our local waters. To be honest, it seems to me that the typically long awaited October bite is finally happening, which is a welcome sight. Better […]
Persistence, faith and a little luck key to hooking up With winds persistently blowing 10-20 m.p.h. for what seems like an eternity, fishing around Anna Maria Island with Just Reel fishing charters still manages to put smiles on the faces of local and visiting fishers alike. Especially the visiting anglers because they don’t know […]
Red Tide and Wind – avoid both for a hook up With an influx of red tide and windy days, fishing around Anna Maria Island with Just Reel fishing charters could be termed “hit or miss.” On calmer days, venturing out into the Gulf of Mexico can be satisfying for anglers in search of a […]