Tarpon remain in the spotlight, but other species still attainable Tarpon remain in the spotlight for yet another week for fishers near Anna Maria Island. Talk of Bean Point resembling the famous Boca Grande Pass is becoming commonplace among most tarpon fishers in the area. The sheer numbers of boat present during the morning tarpon […]
Tag Archives: captain danny stasny
Just Reel Fishing Charters of Anna Maria Island offers premier inshore and nearshore live bait charters expertly guided by Capt. Danny Stasny.
The cure for tarpon fever — go out and catch one. The tarpon fever epidemic is rapidly spreading throughout the small barrier island of Anna Maria. Local fishers as well as fishers around the world are experiencing sleepless nights due to the intoxicating anticipation of doing battle with the elusive silver king. Other symptoms of […]
The return of the king — tarpon being hooked in local waters Anna Maria fishing is host to a new arrival this week. That’s right. The silver kinds have returned. Although the quantity of fish is still in its infantile stages, small groups of fish are being found along the beaches as well as in […]
Snook – Out of season but good catch-and-release sportfish Although snook season has come to an end, catch-and-release action on linesiders still remains better than average. Many snook in the 20-26 inches are being caught along mangrove shorelines especially up under the bushes during the extreme high tides we are experiencing. Larger fish are mixed […]
Windy conditions force fishers to backwater Fishing around Anna Maria Island remains consistent although numerous windy days are keeping most fishers in the backwaters of the local bays and the Intracoastal Waterway. That being said, reports of snook and spotted seatrout are abundant. The same applies for mangrove snapper being caught within a mile of […]
Temperatures, fishing action heating up Fishing around Anna Maria Island is definitely heating up as the spring season progresses towards summer. Whether fishing the flats or venturing out into the Gulf of Mexico, you can rest assured that there is action waiting to be had. On my own fishing trips with Just Reel Fishing Charters, […]
Why can’t April last all year? April fishing is finally shaping up around Anna Maria Island. In fact, shaping up is putting it lightly. With calm winds, clear waters and the arrival of baitfish both in the Gulf and in Tampa Bay, the fishing is nothing less than outstanding. Now’s the time — drop everything […]
Beautiful weather and accommodating fish — a fisher’s dream come true Springtime fishing is in full spring for Anna Maria Island and its surrounding waters — and so are the springtime boaters. In fact, I can’t remember a spring when I’ve seen as many boats as I’ve seen this year. Despite all of the boat […]
Inconsistent weather is the only constant while fishing local waters Inconsistent weather is resulting in a sporadic bite in the waters surrounding Anna Maria Island this week. Within four days of fishing I have seen the wind blow in four different directions. Adaptability, knowledge of the local waters and persistence are all playing a huge […]
No (spring) break for hot fishing action Spring fishing around Anna Maria Island remains outstanding for both inshore and nearshore fishers. Although a late cold front slowed the fish down for a few days, water temps are back in the rise and so is the bite. Snook from 14-40 inches are being spotted in numerous […]